
丹麦哥本哈根大学joshua m. brickman研究组发现,原始内胚层支持谱系可塑性来实现调节性发育。2024年6月24日,国际知名学术期刊《细胞》在线发表了这一成果。





title: the primitive endoderm supports lineage plasticity to enable regulative development

author: madeleine linneberg-agerholm, annika charlotte sell, alba redó-riveiro, marta perera, martin proks, teresa e. knudsen, antonio barral, miguel manzanares, joshua m. brickman

issue&volume: 2024-06-24

abstract: mammalian blastocyst formation involves the specification of the trophectoderm followedby the differentiation of the inner cell mass into embryonic epiblast and extra-embryonicprimitive endoderm (pre). during this time, the embryo maintains a window of plasticityand can redirect its cellular fate when challenged experimentally. in this context,we found that the pre alone was sufficient to regenerate a complete blastocyst andcontinue post-implantation development. we identify an in vitro population similar to the early pre in vivo that exhibits the same embryonic and extra-embryonic potency and can form completestem cell-based embryo models, termed blastoids. commitment in the pre is suppressedby jak/stat signaling, collaborating with oct4 and the sustained expression of a subsetof pluripotency-related transcription factors that safeguard an enhancer landscapepermissive for multi-lineage differentiation. our observations support the notionthat transcription factor persistence underlies plasticity in regulative developmentand highlight the importance of the pre in perturbed development.

doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.05.051


来源:科学网 小柯机器人
